How Often Does My Pet Need to Go to the Vet?

According to Petpedia, owners should take their adult pets to the vet at least once a year for regular checkups. But there are certain circumstances that could make it important for you to take your cat or dog to the vet, whether it's your normal vet or an emergency vet. Here are some signs that you should take your pet to your local vet.
Annual Check Up
Annual checkups for all pets should happen at least once a year. This can ensure you are knowledgeable about any potential problems that could be occurring. Your local veterinarian will be able to find any potential problems that could be occurring during their checkup and tell you what the next step is. Your pet’s vet will check their body as well as their dental health.
A puppy and kitten both need to visit the vets for their recommended shots during their first year or two. These vaccines can help prevent them from developing diseases. It's recommended that cats and dogs get vaccines administered every three years. These vaccines can keep your pet safe.
Spayed or Neutered
As a pet owner, it is recommended that you get your dog or cat spayed or neutered. Spaying is the surgery where the female animals' uterus and ovaries are removed. While neutering is the surgery where the male animals' testicles are removed. These surgeries ensure they won't produce any offspring. Spaying or neutering your pet can be beneficial to you and them. They can be less aggressive towards animals and it can even help get rid of unwanted behaviors such as fighting and roaming. Also, spaying females can prevent them from developing breast and uterine cancer, and neutering males can reduce testicular cancer.
Emergencies vet visits are something that no one wants to deal with, but they do happen. It's important to know the signs of when you should bring your pet to the emergency vet. If your dog is having a seizure, vomiting blood, their diarrhea contains blood, they have broken bones or more serious signs like these, you need to take your pet to the vet right away.
If you are in need of any of these emergency vet services, give us a call today! We’ll be happy to check on your furry friend.