Many pet owners are seeking pet-friendly approaches for their pets due to increased natural health care options and alternative therapies for animals. To meet our client's needs, we have considered exploring other pet therapies to complement veterinary medicines. These additional alternatives are vital in promoting pet relaxation as well as pain relief. The top therapies that we have adopted include:
Veterinary Acupuncture
At Green Tree Animal Hospital, we use acupuncture therapy on pets to help reduce pain and inflammation by stimulating energy within a pet's body. This procedure helps to hasten recovery after surgery. Our practitioner also uses veterinary acupuncture to treat chronic ailments. Acupressure therapy, which is much similar to acupuncture, is also used to reduces aches and boost body energy. Instead of using needle, like acupuncture, acupressure normally fingers or thumbs are used to apply pressure on the pet’s body area.