How to Keep Fleas and Ticks off Your Pet

You wouldn't want to see your spouse or children itching and scratching, would you? They're your family, after all. There's another member you should be looking out for — your pet. According to Petpedia, over 90% of pet owners view their pets as family members. That's why you must keep fleas and ticks off your pet. Here's how you can prevent the little pests from jumping them in the first place.
Mow Your Backyard and Keep It Clean
Ticks especially love tall grass since it's easy for them to jump on you or your pet. Try to avoid walking in areas that you know are tick sites. If you notice a tick, have a veterinarian surgeon remove it as soon as possible. This way, you can reduce the chance of your furry family member getting an illness from the tick.
Take Preventative Measures
Have your pet take preventative medication or wear collars that repel the fleas and ticks. Make sure that all of them are up to date since expired things can lose their effectiveness or could even harm your pet. The last thing you want is more severe treatment because the preventative medication has expired.
Inspect Your Pet
Don't wait to see your pet scratching or biting certain parts of their bodies. Regularly inspect them and make sure you don't see any ticks or fleas making a home on them. There are flea baths that can also make your pets flea-free.
Schedule Regular Vet Visits
The best thing you can do is keep up with regular wellness visits at your vet. Bring them every year when they're young and then every six months when they're older. Follow all the directions that the vet gives you so that your pet can get the best results.
Despite all your best efforts, you may find fleas and ticks in your home. You also need to make sure that you wash everything, including bed sheets. That will also keep your place pest-proof. Then you can enjoy spending time with your animal family members.
Your pet may get fleas or ticks and need the help of a veterinarian surgeon. You can bring them to our office. We do everything from pet dental care to preventative care. Contact Green Tree Animal Hospital today to learn what we can do for your animal companion.